It 100% won’t make it even at launch and other areas surrounding HKI won’t make it straight away but maybe a few months later as a DLC, if they wanted to make the whole of HK as a new test drive game included with HKI and whatever they added on then that’d probably take 4-6 years at least if they where to add HK to a new TDU4 or sum and if they added HKI and surrounding areas plus in TDU4 it’d be bit more work cuz they’d have to update HKI and the surrounding areas abit and sort out bugs if they need to and then they gotta make whole of HK upto date and add other things and check for bugs and other glitches and whatever so really it could go anywhere but as far as I know we 100% won’t be seeing HK mainland, unless they suprise us at Nacon Connect or E3 or whatever, and the chances of that is about 90/10 90 being that there won’t be the suprise of HK. Make a list of the cars and features, and check the various consumer websites for the most recent car reviews.